How To Earn $100k/year From Remote Work
Remote work turns PC into Cash Machine.
Number 1. Set a Goal Define your goals for working from home.
They help you find the right job, employer, and approach. Stay on track for success.
Number 2: Prepare Your Space
➝ Good internet
➝ Suitable laptop
➝ Dedicated workspace (simple desk is fine)
3. Choose Your Skills
Start with what you like and learn new skills as you grow.
Prompt: I have my goal of being able to work from home while being able to earn enough to travel once a month for a week each time. I have skills in [insert skills]. What kind of jobs can I do?
4. Choose Your Niche
Target a specific audience with your skills.
Use your interests and knowledge to stand out. Examples: authors, gamers, health, etc.
Prompt: Choosing a blog writer role for myself, what niches would be best for me to start working for to get hired easily?
5. Create Services Package
Find jobs that fit your goals, skills, and niche. Set hours and focus. Build good habits.
Prompt: Can you create a full package for the services I can offer for?
6. Choose Lifestyle
Find jobs that fit your goals, skills, and niche. Set hours and focus. Build good habits.
Prompt: Based on my goal would be the ideal lifestyle for me based on my skills and niche? Can you include habits and daily routine?
7. Learn Online and Grow
Find mentors, webinars, and success stories. Track progress and showcase work. Intern and take projects for experience.
Prompt: Can you create a portfolio outline for my chosen skill as well as example work I can add for my niche?
- Set a Goal
- 2. Prepare Your Space
- Choose Your Skills
- Choose Your Niche
- Create Services Package
- Choose Lifestyle
- Learn Online and Grow
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